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Dashboards with dozens of financial metrics and ratios
17 years of data
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Predefined investment portfolios and strategies
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€ 8.99 € / month / market
All you need for comprehensive company analysis
All free features
Comprehensive as-reported financials of every company
Interactive forecasting model
Source documents for every financial number
Details for specific items of costs, assets and liabilities
Segment information
KPIs and alternative performance metrics
Ownership structure and its changes
Insiders' ownership and trading
Comprehensive trading statistics
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Discover investment opportunities
Select best companies with PLY scoring algorithm |
Find undervalued stocks with PLY realtive valuation model |
Compare companies by any of the dozens of financial metrics and ratios |
Screen markets by all metrics an ratios |
View our predefined investment portfolios and strategies |
Analyze interactive charts with 17-year historical data |
Generate your investment ideas with our research reports |
Export data from every chart and table |
See popular portfolios and screens in one dashboard |
Research company financials in-depth
Dashboards with all important financial metrics and ratios |
Comprehensive as-reported financials for every company with 17-year historical data: |
Income statement |
Balance sheet |
Cash flow statement |
Interactive charts for every data serie with multiselection feature |
Attached source documents for every financial number |
Detailed structure of revenue, costs, assets and liabilites |
Operating segment information |
Key operating indicators |
Alternative performance metrics |
Ownership structure and its changes |
Insiders' ownership and trading |
Comprehensive trading statistics |
Interactive forecasting model with scoring and valuation factors |
Get customized financial analytics
Specific analytical reports tailored to your requirements |
Select best companies with PLY scoring algorithm
Find undervalued stocks with PLY realtive valuation model
Compare companies by any of the dozens of financial metrics and ratios
Screen markets by all metrics an ratios
View our predefined investment portfolios and strategies
Analyze interactive charts with 17-year historical data
Generate your investment ideas with our research reports
Export data from every chart and table
See popular portfolios and screens in one dashboard
Everything above
Dashboards with all important financial metrics and ratios
Comprehensive as-reported financials for every company with 17-year historical data:
Income statement
Balance sheet
Cash flow statement
Interactive charts for every data serie with multiselection feature
Attached source documents for every financial number
Detailed structure of revenue, costs, assets and liabilites
Operating segment information
Key operating indicators
Alternative performance metrics
Comprehensive trading statistics
Interactive forecasting model with scoring and valuation factors
Everything above
Specific analytical reports tailored to your requirements
Do not hesitate to contact us, if you have any questions, special needs, requirements or suggestions, how we can improve our platform.