Use PLY analytics data “ply” after “ply” to dive as deep, as you wish!
From the free dashboards with all ratios and metrics necessary for quick and effective evaluation of any company to the deepest dive into every financial aspect of every company. Choose the necessary level of reliable information you need to make intelligent investment decisions.
We developed a broad range of predefined portfolios and strategies that will help you to screen stocks, generate investment ideas and construct your own optimal investment portfolio.
Companies in each portfolio are selected to match specific investment criteria or themes. You can use these portfolios as the effective filters to screen the markets for investment opportunities.
If multiple portfolios are selected on the platform, all criteria from selected portfolios are applied to screen the markets. For example, if you choose Value and Dividend income portfolios, only companies that satisfied all criteria from both portfolios will be selected.
PLY scoring is a ranking system that reflects companies' relative investment attractiveness. System is based on five key financial aspects: valuation, growth, profitability, financial strength and free cash flow. Each of these components is also ranked based on most important fundamental metrics. Total Score ranges from 0 to 10, with 10 as a highest rank that reflects most attractive companies from investing perspective.
We found that there exists strong and persistent positive correlation between Total Score and forward average performance of companies’ stocks. Higher levels of Total Score are usually associated with stronger forward average returns of stocks. This correlation holds persistently across various markets and stocks’ forward return periods. Detailed metrics of this relationship are presented in our interactive Forecasting Model.
PLY provides Fair Value estimations for company’s stocks and compares it to actual Market capitalization. Respectively, Valuation Gap is calculated as a difference between company’s actual Market Cap and Fair Value.
We found that there exists strong correlation between the level of Valuation Gap and forward average performance of companies’ stocks, though direction of correlation depends on time horizon of forward stock return. On the 6-months horizon negative correlation between Valuation Gap and forward average returns exists. That means that overvalued stocks tend to became more overvalued in the short term and confirm momentum effect in short-term stock returns. However, on the longer time horizons this correlation reverses and became positive. That means that on the longer time horizons overvalued stocks significantly underperform undervalued stocks and confirm mean reversion effect in long-term stock returns.
We collect our data directly from companies’ reports, so we are able to capture every piece of systematized and structured information company provide.
You can find here the data that is unavailable on any other platform – segment information, KPIs, alternative performance metrics, details for specific items of costs, assets and liabilities. See, what other can’t.
Our trading and ownership analytics allow monitor trading activity of main shareholders, insiders and trading counterparties. Actions of main shareholders can easily move stock price while insiders’ transactions may indicate true perspectives of the company. Look at what they do, not what they say.
Your investment decisions are too important to be left to chance, advisors or banks’ marketing departments. To make smart investments and secure your financial future you need comprehensive and meaningful data, convenient and powerful analytics tools, reliable investment strategy and, most importantly, discipline to implement all these elements into your decision-making process.
PLY analytics is created exactly for that. Get unparalleled financial insight. See, what other can’t. Increase your capability to analyze, compare and value companies. Invest intelligently.
We hope, that our thoughts, ideas and reviews will help you to find new investment opportunities, examine thoroughly financials of selected companies, learn how to use the platform and, most importantly, start your own investment journey.
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Do not hesitate to contact us, if you have any questions, special needs and requirements or suggestions, how we can improve our platform.